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WGST 401 course cover

Women's and Gender Studies (WGST) 401
Contemporary Feminist Theory
(Revision 2)

Revision 2 closed, replaced by current version.

Opened in Moodle, August 18, 2010. WGST 401 replaces WMST 401.

Delivery mode: Individualized study.

Credits: 3 - Social Science

Prerequisite: None. WGST 266 is strongly recommended.

Precluded course: WMST 401. (WGST 401 cannot be taken for credit if credit has already been obtained for WMST 401.)

Centre: Centre for Work and Community Studies

WGST 401 has a Challenge for Credit option.


Women's and Gender Studies 401: Contemporary Feminist Theory is intended to offer both an overview of feminist theories and women's movements in Canada and elsewhere in the world and a critical discussion of varieties of feminism as they pertain to issues such as gender violence, reproduction, work, families, and sexuality. The course and the readings in the course attempt to recognize the differences among women according to factors such as class, race, sexual orientation, citizenship, and physical ability. It is hoped that the course indicates the tremendous changes that have come about with respect to issues in feminist theory in the last 50 years or so.


Unit 1: Introduction to Feminist Theory: Canadian and Global Perspectives

Unit 2: Women's Movements Around the World

Unit 3: Work

Unit 4: Sexuality

Unit 5: Reproduction

Unit 6: Gendered Violence


To receive credit for WGST 401, you must achieve a course composite grade of at least "D" (50 percent). The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:

Quiz Mid-term Exam Essay Total
15% 45% 40% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


Crow, B.A., & Gotell, L. (2004). Open boundaries: A Canadian women’s studies reader.(2nd ed.). Toronto: Prentice Hall.

Smith, B. (Ed.). (2000). Global feminisms since 1945. London: Routledge.

Other Material

The course materials also include a study guide and a student manual.