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Organizational Behaviour
(ORGB) 364
Organizational Behaviour (Revision 12)

Revision 12 closed, replaced by current version.

View previous syllabus

Delivery mode: Individualized study online or grouped study.**

Credits: 3 - Applied Studies

Prerequisite: None.

Télé-université du Québec equivalency: ADM 1013

Centre: Faculty of Business

ORGB 364 has a Challenge for Credit option.

**Note: Students registering in grouped study, or grouped study international mode are advised that there may be some differences in the evaluation and course materials information indicated below. To obtain the most up-to-date information, contact the Faculty of Business Student Support Centre at 1-800-468-6531.


Organizational Behaviour 364 introduces the field of organizational behaviour (OB) and provides a foundation for other OB courses offered in the Faculty of Business. It covers a wide breadth of theories and applications dealing with such topics as perception, motivation, decision-making, team dynamics, negotiation, conflict management, leadership, and organizational culture. Nine lessons, covering 14 chapters in the textbook Canadian Organizational Behaviour (6th ed.) by Steven L. McShane, are presented in a logical order to create a sense of progression for the learner. Each lesson builds upon previous lessons, starting at the individual level, then moving on to a team level, and finally adopting an organization-wide level of analysis.

The goal of this course is to help you develop a conceptual understanding of OB theories, while also providing you with skills to put those ideas and theories into practice. Key techniques and processes designed to improve organizational efficiency and effectiveness are fully examined from the perspective of management, workers, and society at large.


ORGB 364 consists of 9 lessons:

Lesson 1: Introduction to Organizational Behaviour

Lesson 2: Individual Behaviour and Learning

Lesson 3: Emotions and Attitudes

Lesson 4: Motivation and Performance

Lesson 5: Decision-Making

Lesson 6: Team Dynamics and Performance

Lesson 7: Communication and Power

Lesson 8: Negotiation and Leadership

Lesson 9: Organizational Culture


To receive credit for ORGB 364, you must achieve a composite course mark of at least a “D” (50 percent), and a mark of at least “D” (50 percent) on the final examination itself. The weighting of the composite mark is as follows:

Assignment 1 Midterm Exam Assignment 2 Final Exam Total
15% 30% 15% 40% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Course Materials


McShane, S. L. (2006). Canadian organizational behaviour (6th ed.). Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson. ISBN-13: 9780070876941 (ISBN-10: 0070876940)

Other materials

You will access all other materials online.