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Marketing (MKTG) 406
Consumer Behaviour (Revision 4)

Revision 4 closed, replaced by current version.

View previous syllabus

Delivery mode: Individualized study online or
grouped study.**

Credits: 3 - Applied Studies

Prerequisite: MKTG 396 or an equivalent introductory marketing course.

Centre: School of Business

MKTG 406 has a Challenge for Credit option.

**Note: Students registering in grouped study, or grouped study international mode are advised that there may be some differences in the evaluation and course materials information indicated below. To obtain the most up-to-date information, contact the School of Business Call Centre at 1-800-468-6531.


Consumer behaviour is a discipline that looks at why people buy the things they do. This marketing discipline applies knowledge from areas such as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and economics to describe and understand how consumers are likely to behave in many different consumption situations.

Knowledge of consumer behaviour principles allows marketers and other managers to become more effective at making good decisions. They can better predict consumer actions, determine the needs of target markets, and understand how consumers perceive and make use of marketing information. An awareness of consumer behaviour may also assist individuals in understanding their own buying decisions.

After providing an overview of consumer behaviour, this course examines how individuals perceive and store information, how they learn, and how their attitudes are formed and changed. The course then examines decision-making processes at the individual, group, and family levels. The final lessons in the course examine culture and subcultures and the effects they have on consumer behaviour and identity.


Lesson 1: Introduction to Consumer Behaviour

Lesson 2: Perception

Lesson 3: Learning and Memory

Lesson 4: Motivation and Values

Lesson 5: The Self

Lesson 6: Personality and Lifestyles

Lesson 7: Attitudes

Lesson 8: Attitude Change and Interactive Communications

Lesson 9: Individual Decision Making

Lesson 10: Buying and Disposing

Lesson 11: Group Influences and Opinion Leadership

Lesson 12: Family Decision Making

Lesson 13: Income and Social Class

Lesson 14: Canadian Identity and Subcultures

Lesson 15: Age Subcultures

Lesson 16: Cultural Influences on Consumer Behaviour

Lesson 17: Creation and Diffusion of Culture


To receive credit for MKTG 406 you must complete and submit two written assignments, and write both a midterm and a final examination. You must achieve an overall course grade of “D” (50 percent) and a grade of“D” (50 percent) on each examination.  The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:

Assignment 1 Midterm Exam Assignment 2 Final Exam Total
15% 15% 35% 35% 100%

To learn more about assignments and examinations, please refer to Athabasca University's online Calendar.

Note: The final examination for this course must be taken online at an invigilated location. It is your responsibility to ensure a computer with an Internet connection and Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher is available for your use at the invigilation centre.

Course Materials


Solomon, M. R., Zaichkowsky, J. L., & Polegato, R. (2005). Consumer behaviour: Buying, having, and being (3rd Can. ed.). Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall.
ISBN 0-13-121881-6

Other Materials

All other course materials will be accessed online.